It was a Goldilocks bakeware dilemma: my pans either too big or too small for a three-serving nectarine crumble. What to do? Manically searching all cabinets, I spy it in a remote corner, a bit dusty but stalwart as ever: my clay Moroccan tagine. An idea bubbles….remove the conical top and voila: the perfect size baking dish!
The crumble was pretty perfect too, and so simple. Sliced nectarines below a crumb of 1/2 cup each flour and sugar, 1/4 cup almonds, 1/8 tsp salt all pulsed in a food processor with some ginger and vanilla. Add 1/2 stick cold butter in intermittent cubes, then bake in a 425 d. oven. For perfection overload, crown with some ice cream. I adore summer nectarines, but most any fruit will do. And with some ingenuity, any bakeware!
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